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Media Relations

"Jeffrey Ellenbogen on Sleep and Sound" 

White noise is becoming a popular tool to help people relax or fall asleep. Jeffrey Ellenbogen joined CBS News to explain what white noise is and how it can help with relaxation.

“The Science of Sleep. 

“…an Army veteran of two tours in Iraq wears an EEG cap as he sleeps with his therapy dog, Olive. He’s part of a study by Jeffrey Ellenbogen…that explores how companionship and the sounds a sleeper is exposed to affect recovery from trauma."


"Neurologist Jeffrey Ellenbogen Talks Sleep on WUTB"

When you go to sleep, brain makes a drastic and remarkable shift in physiology. Guide that process and you're on your way to a great night's sleep.

"Sleep Specialist Jeffrey Ellenbogen Discusses Sounds and Sleep with NPR"

Sleep is symphony -- evolving over time, telling a story in signals. Knowing that code will help people sleep in noisy environments, like the hospital.

Rachel Martin interviews Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen - Jeffrey Ellenbogen

"Neil deGrasse Tyson Visits the Lab of Jeffrey Ellenbogen"

Jeff Ellenbogen studies how sleep can boost high-performance skills like surgery. Neil deGrasse Tyson, the host of NOVA ScienceNOW, visits Ellenbogen's lab and takes a stab at laparoscopic surgery.

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